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When Your Child Might Need Dental Oral Surgery

When Your Child Might Need Dental Oral Surgery

Oral surgery is a common procedure that is performed on kids. There are many reasons why your child might need oral surgery, such as to remove wisdom teeth or to correct a jaw misalignment. While we know that no parent wants to hear that their child might need oral surgery, sometimes it’s necessary. 

If you are concerned that your child might need oral surgery, it is important to consult with a kids dental office you can trust. Kids Choice Dental has locations throughout Colorado, including Aurora, Wheat Ridge, Denver, and Lakewood. Contact our team and schedule an appointment today!

Your child has a tooth that is severely damaged or decayed.

Teeth can become damaged or decayed for a variety of reasons. Sometimes, kids might not brush their teeth properly or they might eat foods that are high in sugar. Other times, an injury can cause damage to the tooth. If the damage is severe, your child might need oral surgery to repair it.

Your child has a tooth that is impacted or trapped in their jaw.

This can happen when wisdom teeth grow in or when adult teeth are trying to come in while the baby teeth are still in place. Eventually, this can start to impact the surrounding teeth, in addition to causing pain. When this happens, oral surgery is the best route to fix or remove the impacted tooth.

Your child has a severe infection in their mouth.

There are different things that could cause your child to have a severe infection in their mouth. But once the infection has reached a certain stage, oral surgery is often the most effective way to treat it. That’s because oral surgery can help to clear out the infection and allow your child’s mouth to heal properly.

Your child needs their wisdom teeth removed.

Wisdom teeth removal is a common procedure that most children will need to have at some point. But that doesn’t mean it’s not a big deal. Wisdom teeth removal is a surgical procedure, and it’s important to make sure that your child is getting the care they need. When it’s time to have those wisdom teeth taken out, make sure you work with your dentistry for children team to get the support you need!

If you think your child might need dental oral surgery, please call us at Kids Choice Dental. We’ll be happy to answer any of your questions and help you get the care your child needs. Find our Colorado location nearest to you and help your child get healthy teeth today!

Cómo Se Rellena Una Cavidad

Cómo se rellena una cavidad

Así que su hijo tiene una cavidad. La buena noticia es que las cavidades pueden ser tratadas fácilmente por su dentista. Además, el proceso de empastar una cavidad es sencillo y suele requerir una sola visita. Kids Choice Dental Y All About Kids está aquí para darle una mejor idea de cómo se llena una cavidad. Tenemos ubicaciones Kids Dental en todo Colorado, así que si usted se encuentra en Aurora, Wheat Ridge, Denver o Lakewood, programe una cita hoy mismo!

Obtenga más información sobre el óxido nitroso y cómo nuestro equipo de Kids Choice Dental Y All About Kids utiliza el óxido nitroso. Programe una cita en una de nuestras cuatro oficinas de Aurora, Wheat Ridge, Denver o Lakewood!

Adormecer el área

Siempre queremos asegurarnos de que su hijo/a tenga la mejor experiencia desde el primer momento en que entran en nuestra oficina hasta que se van. Esto significa que, en primer lugar, queremos asegurarnos de que su hijo/a no sentirá ningún dolor durante el procedimiento. El dentista adormecerá el área alrededor del diente afectado con un anestésico local.

Perforar la cavidad

Una vez adormecida la zona, el dentista puede empezar a trabajar en la cavidad. Pero antes de poder empastar la caries, el dentista tiene que extraer la parte cariada del diente. Esto se hace con un pequeño taladro manual. El dentista tendrá cuidado de no dañar las partes sanas del diente, sólo las zonas cariadas.

Rellenar la cavidad

Una vez extraída la parte cariada del diente, llega el momento de empastar la caries. El tipo más común de empaste está hecho de un material de composite dental que viene en una variedad de colores. El dentista introducirá cuidadosamente el material en la cavidad, asegurándose de cubrir todos los rincones y grietas. Una vez endurecido, el empaste estará listo.

Últimos pasos

Una vez rellenada la caries, quedan algunos pasos finales. El agente anestésico puede necesitar algún tiempo para desaparecer, por lo que su hijo/a puede sentir algunas molestias por un tiempo después del procedimiento. Además, es importante evitar masticar alimentos duros o algo crujiente durante unos días con el fin de dar tiempo al relleno para establecerse.

Cuando salga de la consulta, el dentista le dará instrucciones para el cuidado del empaste. En la mayoría de los casos, basta con seguir unos buenos hábitos de higiene bucal y cepillarse los dientes dos veces al día con pasta dentífrica fluorada.

Si usted tiene alguna pregunta acerca de cómo una cavidad se llena o si desea programar una cita dental para niños, nuestra odontología para niños está siempre aquí para usted. Si usted vive en Aurora, Wheat Ridge, Denver o Lakewood, programe una cita en Kids Choice Dental Y All About Kids hoy mismo!

How a Cavity Is Filled

How a Cavity is Filled

So your child has a cavity. The good news is that cavities can be easily treated by your dentist. In addition, the process of filling a cavity is simple and usually takes only one visit. Kids Choice Dental is here to give you a better idea of how a cavity is filled. We have kids dental locations throughout Colorado, so if you’re located in Aurora, Wheat Ridge, Denver, or Lakewood, schedule an appointment today!

Learn more about nitrous oxide and how our team at Kids Choice Dental utilizes nitrous oxide. Schedule an appointment at one of our four locations in Aurora, Wheat Ridge, Denver, or Lakewood!

Numb the Area

We always want to ensure that your child has the best experience from the first moment they walk into our office until they leave. This means that first, we want to ensure that your child won’t feel any pain during the procedure. The dentist will numb the area around the affected tooth with a local anesthetic.

Drill the Cavity

Once the area is numb, the dentist can begin working on the cavity. But before the cavity can be filled, the dentist needs to remove the decayed portion of the tooth.  This is done with a small, hand-held drill. The dentist will take care not to damage the healthy parts of the tooth, only the areas that have decayed.

Fill the Cavity

After the decayed portion of the tooth has been removed, it’s time to fill the cavity. The most common type of filling is made from a dental composite material that comes in a variety of colors. The dentist will carefully pack the material into the cavity, making sure to get all the nooks and crannies. Once it has hardened, the filling is complete!

Final Steps

Now that the cavity has been filled, there are a few final steps. The numbing agent may need some time to wear off, so your child may feel some discomfort for a little while after the procedure. In addition, it’s important to avoid chewing on hard foods or anything crunchy for a few days in order to give the filling time to set.

When you leave your appointment, the dentist will give you instructions on how to best care for the filling. In most cases, it’s just a matter of following good oral hygiene habits and brushing twice a day with fluoride toothpaste.

If you have any questions about how a cavity is filled or if you would like to schedule a kids dental appointment, our dentistry for children is always here for you. If you live in Aurora, Wheat Ridge, Denver, or Lakewood, schedule an appointment at Kids Choice Dental today!

4 Señales Que Indican Que Es Hora De Llevar A Su Hijo O Hija Al Dentista

4 Signs That It’s Time to Take Your Child to the Dentist

Si usted es como la mayoría de los padres, probablemente lleve a su hijo al dentista para una revisión y limpieza cada seis meses. Pero, qué ocurre si no está seguro de cuándo es el momento de llevar a su hijo a una cita? Aquí le damos cuatro señales de que puede haber llegado el momento de programar una visita al dentista.

Está buscando una clínica dental infantil en Colorado? Kids Choice Dental y All About Kids ofrece servicios de odontología para niños en nuestras oficinas en Aurora, Wheat Ridge, Denver y Lakewood. Programe una cita hoy mismo!

Su hijo o hija se queja de dolor dental.

Si su hijo/a se queja de dolor dental, sin duda es hora de llevarlo al dentista. El dolor de dientes puede ser síntoma de varios problemas dentales, como caries, enfermedades de las encías e incluso infecciones.

Su hijo o hija tiene las encías inflamadas o enrojecidas alrededor de los dientes.

La inflamación y el enrojecimiento de las encías pueden ser signos de enfermedad de las encías, una afección que puede provocar la pérdida de dientes si no se trata. Si observa algún cambio en las encías de su hijo/a, asegúrese de concertar una cita con el dentista de inmediato.

Su hijo o hija tiene problemas para masticar o comer.

Si su hijo/a tiene problemas para masticar o comer, podría ser señal de que tiene un problema dental subyacente. Si nota que su hijo/a evita ciertos tipos de comida, o si tiene problemas para masticar los alimentos, es hora de acudir al dentista.

Su hijo o hija lleva mucho tiempo sin ir al dentista.

Si han pasado más de seis meses desde la última visita al dentista de su hijo/a, probablemente haya llegado el momento de programar otra. Aunque no tenga ningún problema en los dientes, es importante que los revise periódicamente para asegurarse de que sus dientes y encías están sanos.

Si le preocupa que su hijo/a pueda necesitar ir al dentista, no dude en programar una cita. Haga que la salud dental sea una prioridad para su hijo/a con Kids Choice Dental y All About Kids hoy mismo!

4 Signs That It’s Time to Take Your Child to the Dentist

4 Signs That It’s Time to Take Your Child to the Dentist

If you’re like most parents, you probably take your child to the dentist for a checkup and cleaning every six months. But what if you’re not sure when it’s time to bring your child in for an appointment? Here are four signs that it might be time to schedule a visit to the dentist.

Looking for a kids dental office in Colorado? Kids Choice Dental offers dentistry for children services at our locations in Aurora, Wheat Ridge, Denver, and Lakewood. Schedule an appointment today!

Your child is complaining of tooth pain.

If your child is complaining of tooth pain, it’s definitely time to take them to the dentist. Tooth pain can be a sign of a number of dental problems, including cavities, gum disease, and even infection.

Your child has swollen gums or redness around their teeth.

Gum swelling and redness can be signs of gum disease, a condition that can lead to tooth loss if left untreated. If you notice any changes in your child’s gums, be sure to schedule a dentist appointment right away.

Your child is having trouble chewing or eating.

If your child is having trouble chewing or eating, it could be a sign that they have an underlying dental problem. If you notice your child avoiding certain types of food, or if they’re having trouble chewing their food, it’s time to see the dentist.

Your child hasn’t been to the dentist in a while.

If it’s been more than six months since your child’s last dental appointment, it’s probably time to schedule another one. Even if they’re not experiencing any problems with their teeth, it’s important to have them checked out on a regular basis to ensure that their teeth and gums are healthy.

If you’re concerned that your child might need to see the dentist, don’t hesitate to schedule an appointment. Make healthy teeth a priority for your child with Kids Choice Dental today!

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